The New Stack Makers

Internal Developer Platforms: Helping Teams Limit Scope



In this New Stack Makers podcast, Ben Wilcock, a senior technical marketing architect for Tanzu, spoke with TNS editor-in-chief, Heather Joslyn and discussed the challenges organizations face when building internal developer platforms, particularly the issue of scope, at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America. He emphasized the difficulty for platform engineering teams to select and integrate various Kubernetes projects amid a plethora of options. Wilcock highlights the complexity of tracking software updates, new features, and dependencies once choices are made. He underscores the advantage of having a standardized approach to software deployment, preventing errors caused by diverse mechanisms. Tanzu aims to simplify the adoption of platform engineering and internal developer platforms, offering a turnkey approach with the Tanzu Application Platform. This platform is designed to be flexible, malleable, and functional out of the box. Additionally, Tanzu has introduced the Tanzu Developer Portal, providing a f