Crazy Blessed With Hannah Keeley

377 | Crazy Blessed | Dr. Paul and Jennifer Osteen



Hannah chatches up with Paul and Jennifer Osteen to hear how they step out in faith and heard God's call to leade global medical missions!   SHOW NOTES: Introduction: Hannah Keeley introduces the episode with excitement and a brief overview of the guests, Paul Osteen and Jennifer Osteen, a surgeon-nurse duo involved in global medical missions. Segment 1: Introduction to Paul and Jennifer Osteen (00:00:00 - 00:01:45) Hannah introduces Paul Osteen and Jennifer Osteen, highlighting their unique roles as a surgeon and nurse. Paul shares his journey of leaving his surgical practice to follow a divine calling, leading them to engage in medical missions for the past 17 years. Segment 2: The Role of Obedience in Answering the Call (00:01:45 - 00:03:51) Discussion on the role of obedience in their journey. Paul emphasizes the importance of listening to God's voice and taking steps in faith, even when it doesn't make sense logically. Reference to the idea that the Christian life is about listening for the voice of