Ask A House Cleaner | Angela Brown | Savvy Cleaner | House Cleaning Tips

Organizing by Embracing the New and Letting Go of the Old with Nicole Gabai



Letting go of the old household items and embracing the new is the focus of this video featuring cleanfluencer Angela Brown and organizer Nicole Gabai as they discuss strategies for getting rid of unneeded possessions, delving into the importance of letting go of excess belongings rather than letting clutter accumulate.  Nicole shares tips for identifying items to donate, sell, or repurpose. She also stresses the importance of being intentional and asking yourself if items spark joy or serve a purpose.  Organizing is about creating space for what you love and need. Get motivated to thoughtfully assess belongings and take action to declutter with this helpful video. Organizing by Embracing the New and Letting Go of the Old Chapters: 00:00 Introducing Nicole Gabai 00:26 The Challenge of Organizing and Dealing with Excess 01:07 The Art of Decluttering and Donating 01:44 Practical Tips for Regular Decluttering 02:53 The Impact of Decluttering on Quality of Life 03:25 Refreshing Your Home for the Holidays 04:20 Cr