Tuesday Breakfast

Making Gaybies, Aboriginal health and wellbeing in the budget, vox pops from Invasion Day, NTEU's case against QUT, no room for Zionism at Mardi Gras



Headlines// 7.15: Jaya Keaney, author of Making Gaybies: Queer Reproduction and Multiracial Feeling, on the complexities and intersections of race and queerness when creating queer families. Listen to the full episode on Women on the Line here//7.30: Jill Gallagher, a proud Gunditjmara woman from Western Victoria and CEO of The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), on VACCHO's 2024-25 Budget Submission to the Victorian government which focuses on removing systematic barriers for Aboriginal health and wellbeing//7.45: Vox pops of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people at this year's Invasion Day rally on why it's important for people to show up for Invasion Day and stand in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities here in so-called Australia//8.00: Employment & industrial law solicitor Mackenzie Wakefield on the NTEU’s case against Queensland University of Technology, and the larger problem of job insecurity in Australia’s universities//8:15: Jamie, quee