Retro Hangover

Metroid: Zero Mission - The Other Other M (ft. Matt Storm)



If you want an example of how to do a modern remake the right way, look no further than Metroid: Zero Mission. Special guest Matt "DJ Stormaggedon" Storm space jumps their way onto the show to pontificate about the GBA reimagining of Samus Aran's inaugural adventure!----------Today's Guest InformationName: Matt Storm Bio: I'm a podcast producer, editor and host who's been podcasting for about 11 years. I host two video game podcasts the "Fun" & Games Podcast and Reignite as well as a TV and Movie podcast called Screen Snark and I'm the audio editor for The Game Informer Show. Twitter/X: @funandgamespod on Twitter Instagram: @dj_stormageddon on Instagram Website: Matt's Website ----------Music AttributionsIntro / outro excerpts from Stream by 505, used under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.---------- Mentioned in this episode:Get You Some Tasty Caffeine!As a rule, we don't promote anything on the show that we can't personally vouch for. Bones Coffee has become a staple in both our househo