Sharp & Hot

Episode 78: Elizabeth A. Karmel of Carolina Cue to Go



This week on Sharp and Hot , Emily and Anne interview Elizabeth Carmel of Carolina Cue to Go. Elizabeth tells Emily and Anne about her journey of bringing Texas style barbecue to NY and the history of what barbecue was, to what it has become today, as well as her recent barbecue shipping venture. Elizabeth then informs us that different styles of barbecue stem from what animal you are cooking, what part of the animal you use, and the kind of sauce that you eat it with. After this Emily, Anne, and Elizabeth discuss comfort foods, bread pudding, and their mutual love for sweet potatoes. This program was brought to you by Edwards VA Ham. “You take a bite and it just transports you to a whole other barbecue place.” [15:00] “I am painfully honest, if you don’t want my opinion, don’t ask me the question.” [32:00] — Elizabeth Carmel on Sharp and Hot