Sharp & Hot

Episode 32: Spring Cleaning with Jolie Kerr



It’s spring and you know what that means — SPRING CLEANING! That’s right – it’s a squeaky clean episode of Sharp & Hot with Emily Peterson. This week, she’s joined by Jolie Kerr, author of “My Boyfriend Barfed in My Handbag”. Jolie is here to give some serious kitchen cleaning tips – from countertops to stove pilots. Find out where all the pieces of burnt macaroni end up in your stove and how you can liberate them, get the inside scoop on green cleaning products and learn how to effectively keep your refrigerator clean and organized. “Ammonia is not a green product. You have to wear gloves and open a window – it stinks. If you don’t want that kind of product in your house – use a good dish detergent in lieu of ammonia. Just know you’ll have to work a lot harder.” 10:00 –Jolie Kerr on Sharp & Hot