Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

New Year; Keto Green 16



Ready to kick off the year with a bang? Join me and my lovely co-host, my daughter, Amira Bivens, as we unravel the mystery behind New Year's resolutions. Did you know that about 23% of people quit their resolutions by the end of the first week, and a staggering 43% quit by the end of January? In this episode, we break down the stats and delve into the psychology of resolution-making, unveiling practical tips to not only set but conquer your goals. Discover the keys to longevity in your resolutions journey. Amira and I share strategies to foster resilience, emphasizing the significance of a fresh start mentality and recognizing your unique strengths. Unearth the power of community support, a game-changer in your pursuit of personal growth. Spoiler alert: Amira drops some wisdom on navigating challenging times with grace. Looking for inspiration to make 2024 your year of transformation? Tune in as we recommend a fantastic book called "Atomic Habits" and introduce the Keto Green 16 Challenge. This challenge isn