Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Jumpstarting a Youthful Life with Anthony Youn, MD



Beauty goes beyond the surface. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and proper skincare, can rejuvenate both our appearance and well-being. True beauty radiates from within, showcasing that taking care of ourselves goes a long way in looking and feeling younger than ever before. In this latest episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I have a very special guest joining us - the renowned Dr. Anthony Youn. Dr. Anthony, who many of you may already know from his popular social media platforms, is one of America's most trusted and followed plastic surgeons. He has just released his second book, "Younger for Life: Feel Great and Look Your Best with the New Science of Autojuvenation," and it is an absolute game-changer! In this episode, Dr. Anthony shares his expert insights on how simple changes in diet, activity, and skincare can make us look and feel younger than ever before. From red light therapy to at-home dermaplaning, he covers the hottest beauty trends and provides insider ti