Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Why Would You Need A Pap Smear?



Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Anna Cabeca unveils the importance of regular pap smears and pelvic exams in the battle against cervical cancer. Prepare to be moved by real-life stories of patients who missed out on these life-saving screenings, only to face a cervical cancer diagnosis later on. Dr. Cabeca pulls back the curtain on the human papillomavirus (HPV), the villain behind cervical cancer's curtain, and reveals how our immune systems hold the key to keeping it at bay. You'll discover the insider tips and immune-boosting strategies that can help you become the ultimate guardian of your health. Dr. Cabeca's bag of wellness tricks includes powerful natural treatments like sulforaphane and methylated folate that can work wonders in the fight against cervical dysplasia. She challenges the current guidelines for cervical cancer screening and provides you with a new path to long-lasting health. Join us in this high-energy, informative episode, where Dr. Anna Cabeca takes you on a journey from empowermen