Nature Guys

Passenger Pigeon Part 2



Bob and Charles tackle one of the hardest subjects that Nature Guys has ever undertaken. In part 1 of Passenger Pigeon they go back in time to experience what this bird was like and how humans managed to wipe out this bird. Part 2 covers what we have learned and not learned from the Passenger Pigeon. Related episodes: Passenger Pigeon Part 1, The Nature of Oaks with Doug Tallamy For more information, we recommend these books: Wild New World The Epic Story of Animals and People in America by Dan Flores (Bob's pick) Man and Nature by George Perkins Marsh (Charles's pick) Here are books Charles read; the links are to a non-profit website ( If you buy these books through the links below it gives Charles's blog credit which does him a lot of good! Silent Wings: A Memorial to the Passenger Pigeon (Edited by Wlater Edwin Scott) The Passenger Pigeon by Errol Fuller The Passenger Pigeon: Its Natural History and Extinction by W.A. Schorger A Feathered River Across the Sky: The Passenger Pigeon's Fl