August Brice Thriving With Technology @ Tech Wellness

Gen Z and Screen Time : This 18 Year Old has a lot to say about his Generations Addiction to Technology



Welcome to Thriving with Technology, the podcast that's all about living mindfully in a digital world! I'm your host, August Brice, the founder of Tech Wellness, and I'm thrilled to have you join me on this weekly adventure. Our mission is to empower you with practical tools to limit your exposure to tech toxins and prioritize your health, all while embracing the wonders of technology.   In each episode, we chat with passionate leaders in the health and technology space who share invaluable insights for navigating and thriving in our tech-driven world. Together, we'll demystify the potential dangers of technology and offer practical advice on protecting yourself from EMFs, blue light, internet overuse, and even recognizing the signs of tech addiction.   Let's face it, in today's digital age, it's all too common to see people glued to their screens – be it smartphones, tablets, or laptops. The allure of technology and the vast stream of information it provides can be incredibly captivating, often leading to a