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The Role Of Containers In Home Organization with Nicole Gabai



Containers in home organization play a critical role in keeping homes tidy and functional, as explained by professional organizer Nicole Gabai in this video of Ask a House Cleaner.  Nicole explains why picking the right containers is important. For her, the trick is choosing them after you've cleared out the excess and arranged everything neatly. It's like tailoring your choices to match what you've decided to keep and how much of it there is. Angela chimes in, sharing a glimpse of her daily routine, showing how these steps aren't just about tidiness but about making life smoother. Get ready to transform your home into a cozy, clutter-free oasis, all thanks to these relatable insights. The Role Of Containers In Home Organization Chapters: 00:00 Introducing Nicole Gabai 00:20 The Art of Containerizing 01:52 The Importance of Decluttering Before Organizing 03:05 The Role of Clear Plastic Bins in Organization 03:41 The Decision Making Process in Decluttering RESOURCES ----------------- The Art of Organizing: An