Rainbow Valley

Episode 030 - The Apollo One Disaster (1967)



Rainbow Valley - The Sixties Podcast. Telling the stories from the decade that shook the world.   The Apollo One Disaster     January 27th 1967, US astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee way made their way into a brand new spacecraft perched atop a large powerful Saturn Five rocket at Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. A routine dress rehearsal, and one of many, for their approaching launch into orbit less than a month away. All three astronauts were experienced pilots, all harbouring dreams of one day setting foot on the moon. But little did they know, nor did anyone else, that once they entered the spacecraft that chilly winters day, they would never leave it alive. The Apollo programme would be dangerously close to cancellation before it even got off the ground. The Apollo spacecraft was condemned from the start, comprising of miles of uninsulated wiring, tons of flammable materials confined in an atmosphere consisting of pure oxygen, and a hatch that wouldn’t open. Public opinion was