Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 179: Check Your Foundation



Have you checked your foundation recently? Have you been asking, “What in the world is happening right now?” Maybe you used to go to church every week, believing even when others didn’t, but that hasn’t been you for a long time. What have you been making your foundation? If your life seems a little unsteady, check the foundation.      Monologue: Autumn celebrates her husband’s birthday.  Message: Autumn shares a message about building your foundation on the rock.  Question: “How can I discern when it is the Holy Spirit or random words popping in and out of my head?” Praise Report: A listener shares how a car accident that ruined her car became God’s way of giving her the car of her dreams.  My Thoughts On: going to the movies: sour patch kids or chocolate?   Bible References: Matthew 7:24-29 John 1:1-14   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for th