Aurora Energy Research Podcast

EP.153 Japan’s Green Transformation Act: Hitomi Komachi, Partner, Allen & Overy Tokyo



In this episode, we’re delighted to welcome Hitomi Komachi, Partner in Allen & Overy’s Tokyo office in a conversation with our Head of New Markets in APAC, Rowan von Spreckelsen and our Head of Advisory in Japan, Hayato Ono. The focus is on Japan’s recently unveiled green subsidy program, the draft Green Transformation Act published in February and passed into law in May by the Japanese Parliament.Hitomi is an English law qualified lawyer with extensive experience in clean energy projects and the broader energy transition field. Hitomi is an expert in the international legal landscape and government policies impacting key Japanese and international industry players. Main topics include:•An overview of Japan’s Green Transformation Act and its importance•The technologies the act is trying to incentivise and the mechanisms used•Japan’s Green Transformation Act vs. the US’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) •The “Supply Chain Subsidy” aimed for producers of hydrogen and ammoniaSupport the show