Aurora Energy Research Podcast

EP.123 Aurora on the implications of the US Inflation Reduction Act



In this Energy Unplugged episode we discuss the implications of the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Our Head of US Oliver Kerr is joined by Martin Anderson, Aurora’s Head of Research in US, Felix Chow-Kambitsch, Aurora’s Head of US West and Julia Hoos, Aurora’s Market Lead for PJM.The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is the most significant piece of climate legislation in the US in over a decade, and aims to support accelerating the energy transition. Main topics include:•The state of the energy transition in the US and key differences compared to the European approach •How quickly can wind and solar scale given the constraints around supply chain and interconnection issues•What determines whether solar will take the production tax credit or the investment tax credit•The impact on power prices, on new build vs the existing assets and variations across marketsSupport the show