Aurora Energy Research Podcast

EP.91 Jon Wellinghoff, Former FERC Chairman and current Chief Regulatory Officer at Voltus



This week on the podcast, our USA Country Lead, Oliver Kerr is joined by Jon Wellinghoff, Former Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and current Chief Regulatory Officer at Voltus, the world’s leading platform for Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). With a distinguished career in the US energy sector, Jon was the longest serving Chairman of FERC during the Obama administration after he was appointed first as a commissioner by George W Bush in 2006. Jon and Oliver discuss:•The role of FERC and the Federal Government more broadly in the energy transition•The potential of demand-side response which remains a relatively small part of energy mix in US and the reason why haven’t we seen more progress •Whether it is possible to reach Net Zero with renewables, efficiency and demand-side response, or do we also need supply-side investment in other low carbon generation like nuclear, CCS, hydrogen, long-duration storageSupport the show