Aurora Energy Research Podcast

EP.88 The role of Long Duration Electricity Storage (LDES) with Aurora experts Emma and Caroline



This week on Energy Unplugged, we discuss the role Long Duration Electricity Storage (LDES) could play in ensuring energy security in GB. Our Head of Commissioned Projects for Western Europe - Felix Chow-Kambitsch is joined by two Aurora experts: Emma Woodward, Senior Associate and Caroline Still, Associate. Aurora has recently published a report on the topic, key findings can be found here:, Emma and Caroline discuss:•The role LDES plays in an energy system•How much LDES do we need in the UK and what energy system implications would LDES have•The UK government’s cap-and-floor mechanism to support LDESNext week we will welcome David Giordano, Global Head of Renewable Power at BlackRock. Stay tuned!Support the show