Aurora Energy Research Podcast

EP.55 Dolf Gielen, Director of the IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre



Dolf Gielen, Director of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Innovation and Technology Centre joins our Research Director Richard Howard for this week’s Energy Unplugged podcast. Dolf has been with IRENA for over 10 years, having previously been Chief of the Energy Efficiency and Policy Unit at UNIDO, and spending a number of years with IEA – starting as a Senior Energy Analyst and being promoted to Project Head of Energy Technology Scenarios.He has a strong engineering background, following his degree in Chemical Engineering with an MA in Environmental Sciences and a PhD in Energy and Materials Modelling. The interview covers a breadth of key market concerns around decarbonisation, focusing initially on IRENA's flagship publication setting out the pathway for a 1.5 degrees celsius ambition and closely examining the key issues and opportunities en route. The chat takes a deep dive into:•What we need to achieve•Hitting the targets by 2050 – what we can do with what we have, and the importanc