Out There

Climate Change? Or Something Else?



This is the warmest winter that I've ever seen here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Normally we have some very cold winters that seem to last several months.  This year is different.  Normally by November we have cold weather and snow, we didn't have snow up here for Christmas.  We've had maybe 3 storms, at least in this area with not a lot of snow.  In January all the snow was melted and it wasn't until the other day when we got snow that covered the grass.  Very unusual to see grass this time of year.  Our temperatures have been well above normal this winter.  What's going on?   I have found there are 3 main theories that most people believe.  Climate change, Earth changes and weather manipulation.  I'm not here to tell anyone what to believe, but if I bought what I was told by our experts I could might be panicking right now.  Instead I'm not.  I'm at peace and perhaps there may be other truths we are not aware of.