Handling Business

EP 010 - Consistency is Key - an interview with Bella Vasta



Ask Bella Vasta, successful entrepreneur turned business coach, what the most important key to success is and she’ll come back with one word; consistency. Of all the incredible tips, tricks and advice she offers her clients, consistency might be her favorite, and Bella should know. She built a pet sitting business with a client on almost every street of Scottsdale, AZ and sold it for six figures before the age of 34. Her recognition as owner of one of the top pet sitting businesses in the states gave her the foundation she needed to start coaching other business owners in 2007. What does she attribute to the huge success and national attention that boosted her career and landed her where she is today? You guessed it; consistency. We talk a lot about consistency in this episode, but Bella also doles out other incredible advice for any small business owner. She’ll take us on her journey from live-at-home student to full time pet sitter and finally entrepreneur turned business coach. She breaks down everything