

Today’s episode is called Love Sparks. Can you think of those moments in time involving special relationships that were incredibly special? Moments you shared with that certain someone? Today, I'm talking about the topic of love and that bond between you and a special partner. So, as I think about love, I think about the many different people I've interviewed on the show who are Relationship Coaches or relationship experts. I jotted down a few of their names and I'm looking at ten people who were terrific guests on this topic. You can search using the search bar on my website and type in the word ‘relationship'. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: Those Eyes Have you ever just stopped, paused, and with as much love, thoughtfulness, and compassion as you can have in your heart, just looked into your partner's eyes? And I think it's really important to do that, We live life day after day, and do you stop to think of that pass