On Air With Ella

088: Uncovering the Core Beliefs that Wreak Havoc in Your Life - Bonnie Kelly



Author, speaker, coach Bonnie Kelly is helping us understand (so we can dismantle) the negative core beliefs that are shaping our view of the world and how we operate within it. In This Episode:  The power our subconscious mind has on our daily decision making How our negative core beliefs are formed in early childhood and then validated through the years by supporting "evidence" Once we adopt a belief, we habitually look for proof to support it...so we act in ways that confirm that belief  For transformation, you must find the source of the issue, weaken its supporting evidence and dismantle it at its core...and, it IS possible Bonnie shares her own story of true transformation  www.onairella.com Follow Ella @onairwithella See Ella's faves in her Amazon shop. Love the show? Become a Patron or share your favorite episode on social! Tag #onairwithella so Ella can give you a virtual hug. xoxo