On Air With Ella

069: Ask Ella - Fiber Supplements, Cooked vs Raw Veggies, Expectations for Yourself & Family Sabotage



You asked, I answered...get the show notes at onairwithella.com/069-ask-ella/ 1. Fiber supplements: There are a lot on the market and most seem like they are full of chemicals. Do you know of any that are easily added to a smoothie or coffee and beneficial? [Submitted by Heidi] 2. Are we killing and denaturing our vegetables when we cook them? Raw foodies will say you're killing your food. I'm a huge fan of juicing and want to get the most out of my food as possible. [Submitted by Aileen] 3. Can you discuss how to eat healthy when other people bring unhealthy foods into the house? I do the grocery shopping, but that doesn't stop my husband from bringing in tempting foods that I don't want to eat. Plus there's all the candy the grandparents load my kids with every holiday except Columbus Day. I hide it in the kitchen cabinet (out of sight, out of mind - for them, not me). [Submitted by "Sara"] 4. How do you develop the patience with yourself to keep working hard if you know you will never see the end result? I