Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 184: Osprey Orielle Lake



On the ecological, mythical and cultural understandings that shape our history of extraction and exploitation, and how one conversation can truly make a difference in our future. (1:42) – Reconnecting with nature and protecting forests. (11:41) – Feminism, patriarchy, and earth-centered traditions. (17:11) – Regenerative farming and indigenous knowledge. (22:40) – Indigenous worldviews and language revitalization. Founder and executive director of the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN), Osprey Orielle Lake works internationally with grassroots, BIPOC and Indigenous leaders, policymakers, and diverse coalitions to build climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a decentralized, democratized clean-energy future. She sits on the executive committee for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and on the steering committee for the Fossil Free Non-Proliferation Treaty. Osprey’s writing about climate justice, relationships with nature, women in leadership, and other topics