Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Avery Carl, Mastering Real Estate: Strategies for Rental Success, Episode 332



In today’s episode, we’re going to dive into the dynamic world of real estate investment—a realm I've always found to be a fascinating avenue for building wealth. Our guest today, Avery Carl - has taken this interest to extraordinary heights. She embarked on her real estate journey without prior experience and now boasts a vast portfolio of 250 properties, including short-term rentals, long-term leases, and multifamily apartments.  Avery's influence extends beyond personal success, empowering investors nationwide to harness the wealth-building potential of real estate. For anyone intrigued by the potential of real estate to create wealth, or for female entrepreneurs navigating their path in male-dominated fields, Avery's story is a testament to what's possible with the right mindset, strategies, and determination.   In This Episode: Explore Avery Carl's inspiring journey in real estate, from initial investments to portfolio expansion and business ventures. Gain valuable insights into investing in s