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Noah Tsika



Professor of Media Studies at CUNY Queens, author of I’m Not There, and film historian, Noah Tsika exposes us to the brilliance in the most pop of cultural expressions — and help us reclaim the wisdom of our own sensibilities.About Noah TsikaNoah Tsika is a film historian whose work explores the links between moving images and state power in West Africa and North America. His research has addressed, among other topics, the entwinement of film (including nontheatrical film) and public institutions and government agencies (such as state and local police departments, the armed services, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs). As an Africanist, he has studied the history of colonial documentary in Nigeria and Senegal, among other countries; the politics and economics of Nollywood’s star system; and the representational, infrastructural, and corporate relationships between Hollywood and Nollywood.Keep up with Brendan LemonLinkedIn | CUNY Queens College