Tech Behind The Trends On The Element Podcast | Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Should we stop overlooking AR and VR?



AR and VR are sometimes seen as forgotten technologies when it comes to enterprise IT. They've made waves in the gaming world, but even so, are still considered niche technologies. However, with the recent announcement by Apple of their own headset, and increasing investment by Meta, is it time we took AR and VR more seriously? Are we missing out by not incorporating them into our IT structure?In this episode, we're joined by Lauren Dyer, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Dimensions Studios.We'd love to hear your one-minute review of books which have changed your year! Simply record them on your smart device or computer and upload them using this Google form: you have a question for the expert? Ask it here using this Google form: the expert, Lauren Dyer: is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been ma