Tech Behind The Trends On The Element Podcast | Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Hiring outside the box: How diversity of thought is changing STEM



The tech industry is ever-changing, and with new processes and technologies comes demand for new skillsets. Unfortunately, the traditional STEM degree to graduate placement to hire route is still how most people make it into the industry. And that creates an issue: If everyone has the same background, it creates the same schools of thinking and skillsets. That's a problem in a world where developments in Artificial Intelligence and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) are changing the way we think about developing IT solutions, where insight is increasingly being layered on top of data to create new analyses and problem-solving methods, and where translating client needs into software and hardware is increasingly about writing the next chapter of a story. That's creating demand for a new type of tech-professional, and one which is unlikely to be found by traditional hiring routes. In this episode, we're taking a look at how tech skills deficits are being filled by people with very different backgrounds, from ap