Pen Fights Gamepad

Pen Fights Gamepad | Episode 04



Donald Conrad of and Dan Absalonson of talk about video games, writing, being husbands with awesome wifes and fathers of many young children, what life is like as dads and lots of other stuff.Topics covered in this show:- We're back! And now we have a dot com! Our website is now We got featured on the ComixBox for our latest talk on comic books and superheroes. Link: Dan Needs To Watch or Read- Dan finished Kick Ass- Dan is over halfway through The Dark Knight Returns- GlowPuff games is making a new game starring our very own Donald Conrad! Donald watched the movie Transformers Dark of the Moon and hated it.- Donald watched the movie Chronicle and loved it.- Creatives making better stuff with restraints like a small budget- Star Wars original trilogy VS newer trilogy.- Darth Vader being a Jack Ass. Link: The Notebook re-cut as a Horror