Soultalk With Kute Blackson

331: Why my Bali event will totally change your life



I can’t MAKE you happy I can’t MAKE you wealthy. I can’t MAKE you healthy.  Only you can truly do this.  What I can do is show you the way and guide you on a path that will profoundly alter your destiny.  As a child I’ve witnessed many miracles.  My father was known as the “Miracle man of Africa”.  I saw my father restore eyesight to the blind and heal those unable to walk.  People have often asked me if I have any of my father’s healing abilities. I always decline to answer. However, many people claim to have experienced miracles in their lives when they worked with me.  I started coaching people 22 years ago, with a sincere intention to transform lives. I’m prilveleged to have impacted hundreds of thousands directly and millions indirectly, through my videos, online courses, and my two bestselling books.  I won’t BS you and tell you that healing is easy. That all you need to do is think positive, recite nice affirmations, listen to a guided meditation, do a cacao ceremony, a little breathwork and then your