Cooking With Archaeologists: Food, Fieldwork, And Stories.

Chocolate chip cookies, pulled pork chicken, and prehistoric New England



Gail Golec is a fascinating and multi-faceted archaeologist based in New Hampshire which is part of New England in the United States. She was kind enough to take a break from writing to join us on the air and tell us her story. Which all began in forensic anthropology class where as an undergraduate she helped local police with their investigations.  Very cool! When Gail is not working at a local cultural resource management (CRM) firm she is working on her own projects. She has several ongoing projects at the moment. We talk about her work with several Paleoindian sites from the Connecticut River Valley. This has been a continuous project for several years investigating the earliest human inhabitants of this part of New England dating back 14,000 to 12,500 years ago.  We also talk about her work with local historic cemeteries.  This project is an investigative project into the lives of everyday people. Gail is in the early stages of developing this project into a podcast called, "The Secret Life of Death." I