Cooking With Archaeologists: Food, Fieldwork, And Stories.

Primitive technologies, food, and roasted marrow bones with wild greens salad



Joining us in this exciting podcast is Bill Schindler,  Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Washington College.  Bill is an expert in experimental archaeology and primitive technologies who has a very real and deep passion for archaeology. This is an inspiring interview with a person who has thrown himself into his subject. Bill is a humble guy who loves to share his knowledge whether it is about primitive technologies, foraging, or food.  It's all there in this interview!  He takes us through his younger years of hunting and foraging and brings us right up to one of his current projects working on the television show "The Great Human Race" produced by the National Geographic Channel. Bill delivers on the recipe end of the spectrum as well. Check out his recipe for roasted marrow bones and wild greens!