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Refreshing Your Culinary Library with Katy Annulli



In this video, host Angela Brown and organizer Katy Annulli discuss whether having a large culinary library of cookbooks is still necessary when so many recipes are available online. They talk about the nostalgia factor of holding onto cookbooks for sentimental reasons versus the practicality of digitizing recipes.  Angela and Katy also share experiences about keeping unused cookbooks and ideas on how best to utilize our kitchen space. If you're wondering whether you need all those cookbooks or how to effectively manage their storage, this video might spark some interesting ideas. Refreshing Your Culinary Library Chapters: 00:00 Introducing Katy Annulli 00:23 The Dilemma of Kitchen Organization 01:17 Personal Experience with Unused Cookbooks 02:36 The Decision to Let Go 02:47 The Modern Way of Cooking 03:52 Listener's Feedback and Discussion RESOURCES ----------------- The Ultimate Guide to Move In Move Out Cleaning - NEAT: 10 Easy Steps to Change Your Life - Be