Nonprofit Coach With Ted Hart Podcast

Nonprofit Coach: Raising Lots of Money with Joanne Oppelt



He lectures around the world but now is here for you. From the latest in charity news, technology, fundraising, and social networking, Ted Hart and his guests help you maneuver through this economic downturn in the charitable sector to greater levels of efficiency and fundraising success. PAGE 2 GUEST EXPERT: Joanne Oppelt, MHA, is principal of Joanne Oppelt Consulting, LLC, is the creator of The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System and co-creator of the Nonprofit Quick Guide series. She helps executive directors create vibrant fundraising cultures, adopt simple financial techniques, and find hidden resources to grow their agencies and advance their missions. During her twenty-five-plus years working in the nonprofit arena, she has helped numerous organizations build fundraising programs with high returns on investment, reducing their fundraising costs while raising more money. Joanne is the author of four books and co-author of fourteen. In addition, she has taught at Kean University as an Adjunct Profes