The Yogahealer Podcast L Ayurveda L Yoga L Healthy Foods | Yoga Teachers With Cate Stillman

Medical Injury to Healing to Activist with Philly J. Lay



Welcome to the Thrive with Cate Stillman podcast, In this special episode, we dive deep into a thought-provoking conversation between two passionate individuals Cate Stillman and  Philly J. Lay in exploring a wide array of topics related to health, wellness, societal issues, and personal growth. Join us as we uncover intriguing insights and perspectives on controversial subjects while also delving into practical strategies for maintaining well-being in today's complex world. What You'll Get Out of Tuning In Gain a deeper understanding of various health-related topics, including vaccination concerns and alternative healing modalities. Explore controversial subjects such as chemtrails, 5G technology, and the origins of diseases like the Spanish flu. Learn about societal polarization and the challenges of confronting uncomfortable truths. Discover the importance of finding community support and advocating for individual health choices. Examine mainstream media censorship and the rise of alternative pla