Hay House World Summit

Gregg Braden - New Scientific Discoveries Proving We're Wired for the Extraordinary



Who are you? Who are we? Humans have asked these questions since the dawn of consciousness, and they shapes the way we see everything: ourselves, our relationship to others, our sense of past and future, our place in the world. Award-winning author Gregg Braden, a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality, has made this question the core of his upcoming book, Human by Design; in this eye-opening and heartfelt conversation, he talks about a dramatic new way to answer it, starting with recent discoveries that reverse a century and half of scientific thinking about our origins and our potential. Gregg explains what the fossil record tells us about where we really come from, why Darwinian ideas of conflict and competition no longer apply, and how we can learn to tap the extraordinary capabilities we’re wired for. The bottom line is, we are not what we’ve been told—we are much more than we’ve ever imagined.