Whiskey Neat With Kristopher Hart

168: Ep 168 Slapdick is NOT Whiskey and Bullies Suck.



Gather around family as we tell you a heartwarming story. One of Heroes and Villains. This story has everything. A High School Education, High Cholesterol, Haters, and the shortest tiniest attempt at a brand launch you have ever seen. Over the past two weeks, Netflix's "Last Chance U" Coach Jason Brown has completely gone off on someone for simply posting a picture of his product. No insults. No real negative comment was made by the OP. Just simply a picture of a product that he has named "Slapdick: Real Agave Whiskey" Since her post Coach JB has not only unleashed a plethora of sexist, overly graphic, perverse, and hateful comments aimed specifically at her, he has doxed her place of work and encouraged all of his followers to go over to her page and harass her all while accusing her of clout chasing.   This archaic and wildly inappropriate behavior is being ridiculed across the Whiskey World and has spawned a wave of support within the Whiskey Community in her direction and led to his distributor dropp