Soultalk With Kute Blackson

332: Peter Levine on How to Heal your Trauma



“Trauma is not so much what happened to us, but rather it's what we hold inside in the absence of that present…” In this week’s episode of the SoulTalk podcast, I am joined by Peter Levine, a psychotherapist, author of Waking the Tiger, and Somatic Experiencing (SE) creator. Over the past 50 years, he has developed SE, a form of alternative therapy to heal trauma and stress-related disorders, and then taught it to anyone who would listen. Peter has mentored thousands of therapists and healers across the globe. His drive and passion became a “Johnny Apple Seed” of spreading his knowledge to the world. Today, Peter opens up about his childhood story and how it impacted his principles in life to develop SE. Discover his insights on trauma, healing, psychedelics, life lessons, and the importance of childhood experience for every human being. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed for no reason, anxiety, severe nightmares, or anything that you think might be a sign of trauma, tune in to this week’s episode to find out a