Emily T Gail Talk Story

Emily T Gail -Kelly Hudik- Hawaii County Senior Golf Tournament Waikoloa Kings Course Sells Out- Again!!!!



Kelly Hudik , County of Hawaii Elderly Recreation Office talks about why the County of Hawaii Parks & Rec Big Island Senior Golf Tournament at Waikoloa Beach Resort Kings' Course May 20 sells out every year. She credits the Waikoloa Kings staff and Big Island Candies foundation with helping the county create such a fun event that it sells out of 140 players every year. Kelly, who has been with the county for 7 years shares, I think with great enthusiasm lots of info on the 10 week Elderly Recreation classes like Tai Chi, Swimming, Fitness, Hula, Ukulele and much more. Emily T Gail Shows are available 24//7 at espnhawaii.com under the lineup tab, as a free iTunes podcast and Emily T Gail on Facebook. For information contact Gail at emillytgail@emilys.org or 896-6780. The Dept. of Parks & Recreation Tournament is sold out every year with 140 players who will enjoy a fun individual score event that has prizes for everyone and will include a special lunch at Mai Grille. Hudik also shares info on