Emily T Gail Talk Story

3/29/09 - Emily T Gail with Deann Canuteson and Moana Wooten of Full Life



Deann Canuteson, President of Full Life and Moana Wooten, Office Manager will talk about the Full Life Kahalu’u Surf Day Therapeutic Surfing for Individuals with Disabilities ( Differently Abled) taking place on Wednesday April 29 from 9-3am at Kahalu'u Beach. Full Life is an organization that empowers people with disabilities had over 300 differently abled people participate last year. With the longtime support of Captain Rick Green, Hawaii Lifeguard Surf Instructors, Helena’s Ocean Tours and Full Life over 500 are expected to participate in this year’s Kahalu’u Surf Day. They welcome volunteers or donations. Call Moana at Full Life… 322-9333