Emily T Gail Talk Story

Emily T Gail with Lisa Nuszkowski, Executive Director, Detroit Bike Share about Detroit Open Street and more.



Lisa Nuszkowski is the Executive Director of Detroit Bike Share and oversees much more including including Open Streets Detroit which took place in downtown and southwest Detroit Sunday Sept. 27 & Sunday Oct. 2. Open Streets is part of a global movement to reclaim public space for people by temporarily transforming streets into paved parks and public spaces. In Detroit it was Michigan Ave (US 12) and Vernor Highway showcasing and bringing several ethnic neighborhoods together.Open Streets is a event under the Downtown Detroit Partnership. It was presented by DTE Energy Foundation but it was the many groups and organizations that made it work ... Lisa shares how the Open Streets Detroit opened the nearly four miles of continuous roadway to create space for healthy activities, community building, and connection to local retail by closing it to motorized traffic. People were able to experience Michigan Ave and Vernor Ave in a new way, whether by walking, running, biking, rollerblading, or skateboarding.Ther