Emily T Gail Talk Story

2016 Emily T Gail Detroit Urban Consulate Parlor Talk in Midtown June 9



Thanks to Claire Nelson (in photo with me)and Wayne Ramocan for inviting me to do a Parlor Talk at their Detroit Urban Consulate in Midtown. The first few minutes is everyone arriving... I left the chatter before we started the talk in because I felt it is indicative of the spirit of the evening. Once we got started thanks to all who shared their stories from the those days in the 70's-80's with the Emily Detroit Runs, Emily's Across the Street, their love of Detroit and how they continue to share and live the "say nice things about Detroit" attitude we started back in 1979 through their own efforts then and now. Here's a few who shared stories ... Colleen Sweeney, Elena Fracassa, Michele Dragistry, Mary Ann McCourt, Julie Atkinson-Fountain who were all part of the Emily's Team in the 80's and we continue to be mutually supportive. Some others who shared stories of then and now were Bruce Giffin, Mary Chapman, Sandra McNeill, Patricia Cunningham, Emily Linn, Andy Linn, TJ Samuels, Christopher Gorski, Marsha