Emily T Gail Talk Story

Detroiter Tara Revyn, waited and searched for 10 years for a bone marrow match ... heartwarming story.



My friend and fellow Detroiter Tara Revyn, waited 10 years for a bone marrow transplant which she received from a 35 year old stranger from Hawaii. She also had myelodysplastic syndrome, is Korean, was adopted, so her family members are Caucasian. Recently Robin Roberts, Good Morning America anchor,former ESPN Reporter, and member of Women's Basket ball Hall of Fame received a bone marrow transplant last year from her sister for myelodysplastic syndrome. What a blessing she did not have to wait to find a match. Tara, however, without known blood relatives turned to the Be the Match Registry. Tara documented her journey ... her feelings, her fear, hope, challenges as single mom with young son while searching for a match on marrowmovement.com. Her story is heartwarming, honest, funny, sad and very educational. Tara held donor drives hoping to find a match and meanwhile was educating the public of how easy and painless it is to perhaps save a life by responding to a bone marrow drive. Thanks for listening and