Emily T Gail Talk Story

Denise Lindsey, West Hawaii Special Olympics Volunteer Powerlifting Coach from World Games in LA



Emily T Gail Show espnhawaii: West Hawaii Special Olympics Powerlifting Coach since 1996, Denise Lindsey talks to us from the 2015 Special Olympics World Games in L.A where she is coaching the 3 athletes in the photo who are from Hawaii. They are Chaunci Cummings from Kauai in Athletics (track & field), Ikaika Morita Sunada from Honolulu in Swimming and Isaiah Wong from her Powerlifting team in Kona. Denise talks about the joy of representing Hawaii at the largest sports-humanitarian event in the world this year. Denise shares stories about Special Olympics, started in 1968 by President Kennedy's sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, to celebrate athletes with intellectual disabilities including their own sister, Rose Marie. Denise also gives us an overview of West Hawaii Special Olympics,free to all the participants. They offer training to anyone interested in volunteering, coaching or learning more about our program. sowh.org for more info on West Hawaii Special Olympics.