Emily T Gail Talk Story

Carol Connor Talks Story about Aloha Performing Arts current production of Evita



Carol Connor, longtime resident of the Big Island has a longtime involvement with the Aloha Performing Arts Copy and Aloha Theatre starting with performing in Man of La Mancha in 1986 with Stan Michaels, directed by Luna Edwards. About that time Carol took her acting skills into radio broadcasting and was a popular morning personality for years. Of recent she has been handling much of the costuming for APAC. Her two children were also very involved with Childrens Theatre years ago. I'm grateful for having had the opportunity to play Nurse Rached in Cuckoo's Nest years ago. Gave me first hand experience how hard everyone works on these productions. Carol reflects on all the wonderful demanding productions Jerry Tracy and everyone involved continue to produce. Currently it's "Evita" which sold out for opening weekend recently and runs through March 15. “Even though it’s billed as a Broadway musical, it’s technically an opera because everything is sung,” says director Jerry Tracy. “Even the music directors bot