Emily T Gail Talk Story

Titan Oshura, my friend who was youngest (13 1/2 years) to make cut at Mauna Lani Resort Hawaii State Open



Titan, at 13 1/2 years old was the youngest to make the cut at the Mauna Lani Resort Hawaii State Open. He tied for 34th. I've love watching Titan work at and see results in his game. He sure turned some heads with this performance. Thanks for listening to what Titan was feeling...and shared.I've known Titan since he was 9 years old...we were range buddies often at Waikoloa Kings' Course. Like all beginners Titan was frustrated that he couldn't outhit everyone. I would remind him how well he was doing and remind him to remember how much progress he was making. Something I have to remind myself of all the time in everything I'm doing. We would talk about how to work at it, have fun practicing. We laughed. We talked about all kinds of things. Titan, his dad Philip, and I have had many evenings around the chipping green talking life that day for each of us and practicing. We met up the other night at the Mauna Lani putting green. It was fun. Titan has a big ohana of people who have contributed in so many ways to