Emily T Gail Talk Story

Larry Austin, Whole Foods Detroit Team Leader & Julie Atkinson Fountain, Emily's Alum. Jack Berry, Sports Writer remembers Fellow Michigan Golf Hall of Fame Member Glenn Johnson



Larry Austin, Team Leader Whole Foods Detroit, Julie Atkinson Fountain, Team Member Alumni (1970's-80's) of Emily’s Across the Street & Emily Detroit Runs 30+ years ago, so a long time member of the "say nice things about Detroit" attitude. We talk story about Whole Foods Detroit contribution to healthy shopping opportunities and the on going commitment by Whole Foods to support events in Detroit. We share stories about the wave of enthusiasm in Detroit for recreation, farmers markets, community gardens, urban life style and commuting by bikes and on foot. And we look back at the support for the "Say nice things about Detroit" attitude created from Emily's in the 70's.On a personal note, I love that Whole Foods Detroit has our "say nice things about Detroit " attitude starting with the "say nice things about Detroit" mural on their wall when you enter the store. I'm grateful that the #saynicethings ohana which continues to grow gets good caretaking from Whole Foods, Shinola, City Bird, Detroit GT and s