Emily T Gail Talk Story

Emily T Gail talks story with Randy Repicky Slow Roll Detroit Squad member



In August 2014 Randy Repicky, a Slow Roll squad member reached out to me. He heard I was looking for a bike to use at the Slow Roll Greektown so he brought his Detroit Bike Factory bike for me (fantastic urban bike) which I loved . We met for the first time that evening and it was so thoughtfull the way he looked after us for the evening. I was joined by Sandra McNeil from WWJ thanks to Alisa Zee and Sandra's cousin Emily Baker. We got such a warm welcome as a delightful evening unfolded and our Slow Roll ride took us through areas I rode in the 80's. Nice warm welcome from Jason Hall and Mike McKool, the founders of Slow Roll.I'm such a fan of what Slow Roll has done and is doing with a great team of supporters. I encourage you to check out the Slow Roll Facebook page. Randy Repicky, I have discovered over the last year tirelessly gives to the community and to Slow Roll and I notice Slow Roll attracts and inspires a whole lot of people to be mutually supportive. Also in this show... Mark Hesskamp, bike